Cold Roll Forming Manufacturers are Upgrading

Looking back on the past, Zhongtuo International has been established for more than 10 years. From the trading company in 2014 to the establishment of Zhongtuo Cold Bending in 2019, from pure trade to the establishment of a 5,000 square meter factory, what has been achieved here is not only the growth of sales, but also the establishment of Zhongtuo Cold Bending in 2019. It is also proof that Zhongtuo people are determined to forge ahead.

Cold roll forming manufacturers are upgrading

The establishment of Zhongtuo Materials in 2021 has opened up all aspects of production, from machines to materials. Zhongtuo people take one step at a time and are committed to building a complete product-side ecological chain and improving the foreign trade ecological chain!

Cold roll forming manufacturers are upgrading

Become Alibaba’s industry leader in 2023. In August 2023, a graduate internship base will be jointly established with a key university in Hebei. In November, Zhongtuo and Siemens took the opportunity of the Shanghai International Import Expo to jointly sign a strategic cooperation agreement.

Cold roll forming manufacturers are upgrading